Women in Destitute Villages enthusiastically learning to make the earthen Pakistan Chulah stove From Dani Chulah BEE.

The basis of this model is two fold:

a. Use of Naheem Canal Tank (NCT) for provision of water drawn from canals in adjacent villages.

b. Encouraging trained BEEs to provided step by step help to destitute households to first achieved food security and then acquired toilets and one room houses by using their own resources..


This programme was started in April and is being welcomed by hundreds of villagers. The NCT BEE team is moving ahead fast in provision of canal water to registered villages at a charge of 2,500 (or Rs. 40 per household). This amount covers the cost of the equipment as well as the fees of NCT BEE.


The model relies on the goodwill of various teams that have become self sufficient in Yasmeen Lari’s Zero Carbon villages in Pono cluster. The villagers are well trained, and are now organized as Barefoot Eco Entrepreneurs (BEE) for several tasks. The BEE teams are enthusiastic in helping  destitute villages to become food secure. They have begun providing training and assistance at a small fee.

The programme is being take up in a structured manner. Target destitute villages have welcomed the interventions and the help being provided. With the NCT system in place, they are able to draw water close to their homes.

The NCT BEE also provides training in making temporary ground tanks to store water as well as cleaning with alum and solar treatment.


First BEEs teams, led by Dhani the Chulah BEE, have begun building models of Pakistan Chulah stove, handwash arrangement and marking the bamboo/Loh Katt boundary. The BEEs teams are making good progress as entire villages have warmly welcomed them.

Other BEEs are providing assistance in utilizing the once barren villages for planting vegetables and trees, bushes and flowers.

In addition other BEEs are providing chickens in bamboo coops as well as know how to begin breeding fish in small tanks. As in the case of previously rehabilitated villages, these activities will lead to food security and  better health.